The Apple Intelligence Saga: From Hype to Disappointment
In my recent blog, “Apple Intelligence: The Seamless AI in Apple’s Ecosystem”, I was brimming with optimism. Apple had unveiled its latest marvel, Apple Inte...
The two years which started off with almost nothing and are about to end at almost everything, have passed on quite like a cosine wave, a negative halfcycle followed with a positive halfcycle. And, now I want to make this cosine wave flip upside-down, and get a new sine wave for the time being, till it reaches its negative part. I hope I just succeed. (Please bear me for this wave thing, I just love it… :P)
Thanks for the patiently reading. I know I have gone a lot abstract this time and by this the people who are closely in touch with me would get what exactly I mean and which events and their consequences I refer, and those who are not, would still definitely get what exactly I wanted to convey here, but without the cluttered extra info. But, still for clarity, the lesson for me is…
“Stick to the calls you make, when the heart is with you. The destiny will make you realise, this is exactly like it is supposed to be.”
Let me end this post with a small note! Yeah, I wanted to write more and post more, but been busy at several stuff lately. I promise, in the year 2016, I will be more into spending some good amount of time at blogging.
Happy New Year!!!
I wish you all a great year ahead, a year of laughter, success, fun, thrill and so on…!
Hasta la vista..! :)
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